Monday, February 4, 2008

First Giveaway Was a Success!

Wow! Did we ever have a blast with the chocolates giveaway. My daughter had so much fun doing the Penny Pinscher film that she can't wait to do another. We're thinking about doing giveaways once a week for awhile (until I run out of stuff to give away;)

What's your opinion? Is once a week too much? What kind of contests would you be interested in seeing? Leave me a comment with your ideas, but right now the unofficial idea is to do a "Monday Madness" kind of blog once a week with different criteria for entering.

And, by the way, for those that have emailed wondering where the "meaty" parts of Penny Pinscher have gone (Fruganomics, Centsible Ideas) rest assured that they will be back. Making the contest movie clip took more of my technical abilities then I bargained for (Thanks so much, Starr, for stepping in and saving the technologically impaired mom;) and that was followed by a wicked cold. I am going to bed now, full of lots of Sambucol (that was free from CVS with $13 rebate on its way;) and tomorrow I WILL be better. Prayers always welcome! So look forward to some more good stuff tomorrow! Until then, leave me those comments!

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